The LexBlog Network is a growing media hub for legal and professional blogs worldwide.
We feature curated* content published on the LexBlog platform on for additional exposure to industry thought leaders, press and visitors. Top blog posts are spotlighted daily on the homepage, practice area channel pages and tag pages devoted to specific niche subjects. Content pieces on trending topics are frequently elevated as well.
LXBN editors use the same editorial standards* they apply to in sharing a curated selection of content to @LXBN’s more than 12,000 Twitter followers.
“Top 10” Lists
The best posts are also chosen for our coveted “Top 10” lists, highlighted daily on Real Lawyers Have Blogs (to which there are an average of 42,000 unique visitors each quarter). An archive of these lists can be found at
Further, we work with select content partners to creatively drive more traffic to our member blogs.
*Content must meet criteria outlined in the LXBN Editorial Policy, around which we provide coaching during the blog launch process.